Hand holding tree

Most people want to do what is best for the environment so that future generations can have a clean and healthy planet to live in. Some states are taking the initiative and steps necessary to provide homes and businesses with the incentives needed to make improvements to their homes. Here is a comprehensive guide about the Save Green Project and how you can get the help you need for your property.

What is the Save Green Project?

The Save Green Project is a revolutionary project sponsored by the New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG) company. This project provides rebates, financing options, and other incentives to homeowners and business owners looking to upgrade their homes. This project will help make the upgrades more affordable in both the short term and the long term. 

Benefits of Home Efficiency

An efficient home is a great way to help improve the environment while also saving you time and money. Over time, the more efficient your home is in terms of energy, the less it will cost you to run the home. You can save money each month on electricity, heating, cooling, and even on your water bill.

This allows you to have peace of mind knowing that your home is taken care of and set up for comfort, even if you are not home. Simple additions like a smart thermostat can help your home stay within a certain range and promote better living. Many homeowners are looking to invest in homes that are highly energy-efficient, so these small investments could make your home much more valuable and sell faster when you go to list it.

Incentives for Investing in Home Efficiency

The Save Green Project provides incentives to homeowners and business owners who are looking to boost the energy efficiency of their homes. Some incentives available include 0% APR financing on your purchases and investments in your home upgrades.

In addition to providing financing options, many programs and upgrades provide homeowners with incentives, like rebates. For instance, adding an energy-efficient washer or dryer to your home can qualify you for a rebate. The amount of a rebate will depend on the upgrades you make and the time that the projects were started. A whole-home efficiency can qualify you for up to five thousand dollars in rebates and up to fifteen thousand dollars with 0% APR financing.

 You can request a consultation with the energy consultants of the Save Green Project. They can inspect your home, talk to you about your options, connect you with contractors and create a plan that is best for you and your family.

 Tips to Improve Home Efficiency

All homeowners and business owners can make small investments in their home or property to make the house or business more efficient. Here are some simple ways to start.

Air Sealing

Air sealing can help make your home more efficient by sealing up any holes, cracks, and gaps that exist in your home. This is an easy way to boost efficiency in the house and help you save money. You can have professionals walk through the interior and exterior of your home to help look for any gaps. They will thoroughly inspect the windows, doors, attics, and foundation. Professionals can help find the gaps and fix them so that the repairs last for a long time.


Proper insulation of your home is another great way to boost your home’s efficiency and should be done at the same time you air seal your home. Insulation can help keep your home more comfortable, more energy-efficient, and less susceptible to outdoor weather. Proper and professional insulation of your home will help keep your home at a consistent temperature all year long. Look for proper insulation in your walls, basement, attic, and crawlspaces.

 You should try and use professionals to check on the insulation of your home. They can determine how insulated your home already is and provide you with free estimates and recommendations to save on energy costs. A professional will be able to help start the process sooner and provide you with information about incentives and rebates available to you.

New Equipment (Heaters, AC, Hot Water Heaters)

New and upgraded equipment throughout your home can help you save money in the long run. While they will cost money to initially purchase, the Save Green Project provides plenty of rebates to homeowners that choose to install them. For instance, a new tankless water heater can reduce energy bills, keep your water hot longer and make repairs easier and your life more convenient.

Oil to Gas Conversions

With rising oil prices, now may be the ideal time to make an oil to gas conversion. This is one of the more costly repairs to get up front, but will significantly pay off in the long run. Switching your heat to gas from oil is better for the environment. It can help increase your home’s value and save you money for decades to come. This is one of the best upgrades to make to your home if you are looking to get more rebates and better financing options.

Not only will this upgrade save you money, but it will also save you a great deal of time in the long run. You will no longer need to worry about scheduling oil deliveries or setting up oil reminders. Instead, you can have the freedom and the affordability of gas.

These are some of the best ways to get your home to be more energy-efficient. Whether you are ready to make the improvements and upgrades now or simply want more information you can search the Save Green Project and visit the site (https://beinsulated.com/) to get in touch with professionals near you.

Qualifying for the Save Green Project

To qualify for the incentives offered under the Save Green Project, homeowners must meet certain criteria. Most people can qualify for the incentives if they have never declared bankruptcy and they have no more than two late payments in the history of the past twelve months. Homeowners can also get a letter of credit from a financial institution to help them qualify.

Others who may not meet the above qualifications, but still live in a low or moderate-income level, have received energy assistance benefits, or live in a lower-income area, may still qualify for rebates and other incentives. You can receive an energy audit from this Save Green Project and get in touch with one of their highly qualified contractors to help you begin making a change to your home and to the future planet.

Many people may be hesitant to start the upgrades to their homes because they do not have the money upfront to make the changes. This should not be something that stops you. The Save Green Project allows qualified applicants to make the upgrades and have only small payments added to their bills each month with no interest fees.

Contact Professionals Today

If you are looking for a professional company to help you get the services you need, you can contact this reliable and honest company (https://beinsulated.com/) today. They are able to provide you with details about the incentives program and conduct a walkthrough of your home to see what can be done. With free estimates, great client reviews, and knowledgeable professionals, this company is a top choice to help improve your home’s efficiency. Small investments today can help save you time and money in the long run.